Erythema Nodosum

Erythema Nodosum

Erythema Nodosum

Erythema Nodosum is a inflamed condition of the sub cutaneous fat (fat below the skin). It takes place among patients of age group of 12 to 20 years. This is characterized by red tendered and painful nodules below the skin mostly observed in front of the shins. Also it is observed in thigh and trunk area of the body.

The size differs by diameter and elevation. Sometimes the signs and symptoms of Erythema Nodosum subsides itself leaving some bruises on the skin. It happens as a result injury in the fatty layer. If the treatment is delayed or the remission period is prolonged then it becomes chronic.

The causes of Erythema Nodosum include pregnancy, steroidal medicaments, intestinal infection, inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis etc. Still particular reasons behind Erythema Nodosum cannot be traced out. That is why all the possible reasons are barred during the time of treatment.

The treatment of Erythema Nodosum in modern medicine is not satisfactory as it is limited to anti inflammatory drugs only. However Ayurveda and modern medicine agree at a point that the treatment should be customized.The diagnosis of Erythema Nodosum is done by physical examination. The signs and symptoms of Erythema Nodosum are the diagnosing factors. However biopsy is advisable to rule out the carcinoma. The treatment of Erythema Nodosum in modern medicine is not satisfactory as it is limited to anti inflammatory drugs only. However Ayurveda and modern medicine agree at a point that the treatment should be customized.

Ayurveda treatment for Erythema Nodosum

Ayurveda treats the disease as a shotha (inflammation). Prevalance of Vata and Pitta re kept in focus. Specifically Pitta shamak treatment is done to pacify the daha, lalima, ushma etc. Inflammation is characterized by redness, tenderness, swelling and temperature. These four characters represent the Vata and Pitta dosha. Because the disease takes place on the fatty area, Kapha dosha management is also not overruled. Blood purifiers which are helpful in seborrhic skin and pimples are helpful in management of Erythema Nodosum.