Paralysis Treatment
Paralysis treatment at Kulung Ayurved:
Whenever one and other parts of our body looses its activity beyond its threshold it is called Paralysis. Paralysis is such a disease, which can be identified easily. Depending upon the situation paralysis is named as Paraplegia, Hemiplegia, and Tetraplegia, Bell’s Palsy or Facial paralysis etc. Paralysis Treatment in Ayurveda
person gets paralyzed due to some internal causes or external causes like injury, cold etc. Also sometimes virus is supposed to be the causative factor of paralysis. The author’s aim is to describe the management of Paralysis by Panchakarma Ayurveda therapy.
Before going through the management principle and procedure of paralysis it is important to get aware of the signs, symptoms and complications of Paralysis. The following symptoms are being observed in a paralysis case now and then.
Symptoms of paralysis
- Any hand or (and) leg looses its activity.
- Any two hands or legs loose their activity.
- All the four limbs get paralyzed.
- Defecation and urination get retained or become most problematic.
- Face gets deviated to one side. One side gets loosen leading to a partialclouser of one eye. There will be no tightness in the jaw line of the affected side.
- The eye shades tear uncontrollable. Patient looses speech or the voice gets slurred.
- Tongue also gets paralyzed causing trouble in speaking and swallowing food.
Including all these symptoms there are some other complications those prevail.
- As the patient gets bedridden bedsores take place due to prolonged contact with bed.
- Whenever any part gets paralyzed it looses its working capability. Due to lack of activity as per the disuse theory that part becomes stiff.
- As the patient does not have any control over stiffness, there develops articular deformity.
- Due to lack of activity, in the paralyzed part the muscles loose their tonicity. Gradually the muscle turns into nothing but just a covering of the bone.
As a result that part becomes thinner. This is called muscle wasting.
Sometimes hypertension causes paralysis, sometimes the vice versa takes place.
Besides all of these physical complications there arise some mental complications like depression, head reeling, irrelevant dialogues etc.
Pancha Karma is a very successful way of treatment for the management of paralysis. Pancha Karma means five prime therapies i.e. Vaman, Virechan, Anuvasan vasti, Asthapan Vasti and Nasya. Some therapies very much helpful for the management of paralysis are described as follows.
Before focusing over the ‘impact of Panchakarma treatment over Paralysis’ the author would like to present a simple matter in an easier way to understand.Bamboo theory
Take one dry bamboo stick. Try to make a ring. It will break down. Take another bamboo stick of the same stature .Keep it inside an oil tank for seven days and warm it up with fire. Then try to make a ring of it. It can be done.
Kindly notice, if a warm oil treatment can bring so much flexibility in a dry bamboo how much flexibility it can bring over a living body.
Pancha Karma Treatment
Application of oil or ghee, internally or externally is called snehan karma. Internally medicated ghee or oil is administered to soften the internal doshas or toxic principles. External application of the fatty substance brings softness and flexibility to the muscles and removes their stiffness.
It is a sweating and fomentation therapy which includes a good number of procedures. Externally it makes the body flexible and internally opens the micro channels which eases the elimination of the toxins. Any pancha karma treatment starts with snehan(oleation) and swedan(sweating) therapies.
Pizhichil is a process where four therapists pour two liters of warm medicated oil over the patient’s body and massage from shoulder to toes.
Continuous flow of medicated fluid over the head is called Shirodhara. Shirodhara has impact over the medulla oblongata. It stimulates the central nervous system. It cools down the nerve excitation. Shirodhara is very much helpful for the management of insomnia, anxiety neurosis, paralysis, skin problem, depression, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Nawara kizhi:
Nawarakizhi is a medicated rice pudding sweating therapy which is anti inflammatory, analgesic, energetic, nourishing and anti degenerative by nature.
Anuvasan vasti:
In this treatment medicated oil gets entered into the body through the annus. It tones up the joints around the waist area.
Asthapan vasti:
A mixture of medicated oil, herbal decoction, honey is introduced into the intestine through the anuus and gets expelled along with the stool and vata dosha. It brings strength to the low back. Anuvasan vasti and Asthapan vasti combinedly are so effective they are regarded as half of Pancha karma treatment. It should be performed only by skilled doctor.
Exercise plays a vital role in the management of paralysis. It strengthens the muscles, nerves. But it should be a post panchakarma treatment only when the body becomes flexible. Unless there may occur grave complications like ligament tear, ligament sublaxation etc.